We can't explain something - therefore God
Checkmate Atheist!
we can't explain something - therefore god.
checkmate atheist!.
We can't explain something - therefore God
Checkmate Atheist!
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
A thought is simply a sequence of neuronal activities acting on pathways that have already been formed, right?
No. New thoughts and new ways of thinking can change the distrabution of the dendrites. This is why the brain of a physicst is more complex than the brain of a child. The more you learn the more complex you brain becomes. New ideas form new circut pathways.
People are more complex than just their brains, but the brain is where thoughts occur.
That was the exact point that I made. Because, by your reasoning, an all powerful God would be more complex than the initial state of the universe. Postulating the existance of a God only makes the problem of complexity WORSE. Not better.
If the universe is too complex to have come from nothing than a God, which would be even more complex, would definitely not be able to come from nothing. Adding a God to the mix puts the orgins of the universe into a cycle of infinte regression - the existance of the universe must be explained by a more complex being - and that even more complex being must be explained by an even-even more complex being - and that even-even more complex being must be explained by an even-even-even more complext being - . . .
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
Do you become more complicated when you have a complex thought on your mind?
Yes. Please see neuroplasticity. More importantly, people are more complex than any single idea they have.
To account for the number of throws of the dice to have US and OUR universe to happen
This is pure conjecture and is not supported by science. Without knowing how many sides are on a dice - and not knowing how often numbers repeat on that dice - there is no way to know what the odds are for rolling any particular number. Likewise, our universe is the only one we can look at so we have no way of knowing if other kinds of universes are possible. Our universe could be unlikely. Or, our universe could be the only possible kind of universe there is. We just don't know.
Some scientest think there might be a multiverse because certain branches of String Theory make that prediction. But the multiverse is NOT made up to solve or explain the likelyhood of the physics we see inside our universe.
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
universal expansion derives it's energy from the void that it expands into
I'm pretty sure this is not true.
the total energy content of the universe is increasing
and this is 100% wrong.
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
Time and Energy are now shown to exist prior, outside our universe,
Never heard anything like this - source please?
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
Why wouldn't they respond to evidence? Most of us on this site have.
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
One other note here, when Occam's Razor says the simplest explination is often the most likely - simplest doesn't mean the least amount of steps. Simplest means the answer with the least amount of assumptions. And I cannot think of a bigger assumption than an all powerful God.
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
--interesting, Do you sell anything in theis store that made itself--?
- prologos
This is a falacious arguement on two accounts. Firstly, it's a false equivication. Everything in the store was not "made" in the same sense that the universe was "made." Everything in the store is the rearangment of positive energy. The universe, however, comes from the quantum fluctuations of equal amounts of negitive and postive energy. Thier orgins are entirely different in the sense that your trying to equate them.
Secondly, this arguement is also bad inductive reasoning. It's like saying, "all sheep have mothers - therefore the flock must have a mother." Or like saying, "all water drops are round - therefore all oceans must be round." What applies to the individual parts does not neccissarly apply to the whole. What applies to the formation of things inside the universe does not neccissarly apply to the formation of the universe itself.
the theory still posits that something very potent existed from the very beginning and something caused a disturbance in that field.
This is not true. The theory postits that "nothing" is inherently unstable and will seek a lower entropy. Thus, quantum fluctuations. It does not say that "something" causes it.
we have no right at this time to say which of those two causes, God or random energy fluctuations, is more likely
Quantum fluctuations are known to exists. Gods are NOT known to exists. Your arguement is like saying, "We can't know which two causes, General Motors or magical pixies, is more likely to have created all Corvetts."
You cannot solve one mystery with another mystery. You cannot explain one unknown by postulating the existance of another unknown. And you certainly can't say an unknown is as likely as a known. Knowns are ALWAYS more likely.
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
It was just probing for your personal insight into the Big Question
You should have just asked. Ever since I learned the total sum energy in our univers is zero that was pretty much the nail in the coffin. My video pretty much sums up my thoughts:
chris tann,.
in your earlier post you seemed to be under the impression that genesis and science were somehow compatible .
however, the truth is the two are not reconcilable at all.
One can't "disprove" the existance of an unknown. As far as the God Hypothesis goes, it gives us no explanitory nor predictive capabilities. And, as far as anyone can tell, our universe works just fine without a creator.
It's like your asking me to "disprove" that the Nile river wasn't designed by aliens.